Get to know me

Madame Sonja

Madame Sonja is first generation American, coming from an ancient lineage of Slavic mystics and healers.

She is Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Empathic, an Ordained Minister and practicing Eclectic Witch.

She lives in the Historic Hudson Valley where she continually pursues her spiritual development in the metaphysical arts.


She uses the Tarot to connect to her Guides answering your deepest questions.

Madam Sonja is a certified Usui Reiki Master providing services for both people and animals, channeling source energy to align the chakras and cut etheric cutting cords, healing on the soul’s level.

Learn more about specific services offered here

a deck of tarot cards on a white surface
a deck of tarot cards on a white surface
selective focus photography of green leafed plant on glass bottle
selective focus photography of green leafed plant on glass bottle
a deck of cards with a picture of a man on it
a deck of cards with a picture of a man on it

Get in touch with Madame Sonja to start your journey today